Located at the heart of Africa, our projects began in the Eastern Province of Rwanda, in the town of Kayonza.
Our activities and the volunteer house are based in the village of Gahini, just a few kilometers from Lake Muhazi.
Organic avocado oil
The youth produce organic avocado oil using traditional and natural methods.
We train
Training young people.
We connect
By Promoting Youth Activities.
We equip
By Providing Technical and Financial Support for Youth Activities.
We support
By Guiding and Advising Youth on Their Activities.
Rwanda’s population is predominantly young, and unemployment affects rural youth the most.
Youth Cooperatives
The young members of the cooperatives come from diverse backgrounds. . Among them are teenage mothers, former delinquents, school dropouts, and graduates from secondary school or university.
This mix of profiles fosters rich exchanges between cooperative members, all united by the same goal – pooling their resources to create income-generating activities.
Our actions
MicroLinks YFD provides training for young micro-entrepreneurs, focusing on:
- Entrepreneurship Fundamentals ;
- Principles of Management and Accounting ;
- Cooperative Management Basics ;
- Raising Awareness on Savings and Collaboration with Local Microfinance Institutions
- Agriculture and Livestock (with a focus on organic farming awareness)
- Environmental conservation awareness
A Day in the Life of Ndahimana
The team
We carry the vision and mission of MicroLinks YFD
I teach Dutch to adults from diverse backgrounds, origins, and cultures in Brussels, helping them better integrate into Belgium’s bilingual society. I apply my teaching skills to support vulnerable youth in Rwanda through the NGO MicroLinks YFD.
Ange Viviane
I worked for international organizations and I enjoy actively contributing to positive societal change and sharing my knowledge to make a difference in both national and global development.
I have a passion for numbers and precision, and my work is centered around budget planning.
I am happy to apply my skills in service of Rwanda’s rural youth.
I have a strong interest in technological innovation and its positive socio-economic impact, particularly in developing countries.
I serve as the focal point for youth training and partnerships with local and international stakeholders.